The Hardyeans Club

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Club Rules

The Rules under which the Club operates

As amended by the Council in 2017


1. The title of the Club shall be "The Hardyeans' Club" (hereinafter called "The Club")


2. The Objects of the Club shall be:


3. Membership of the Club shall be free and open to all former Students of the School, and schools from which it was founded: Dorchester Grammar Schools for Boys and Girls (Hardye’s, The Green School), Castlefield School and Dorchester Secondary Modern School, members of the School Staff, Governors and Trustees, subject to the approval of the Council of the Club.

Students leaving the Thomas Hardye School at the end of the academic year will automatically become Members of the Club unless they choose to opt out.


4. Members who have been paying an Annual Subscriptions will no longer be required to do so, but should any wish to continue making an annual payment to the Club this will be considered a donation and will be used to assist the School from time to time.


5. General. The management of the Club shall be vested in the Council which shall meet at least three times a year and which shall have control over all matters not otherwise provided for in these Rules. With the support of the Head Teacher the Council shall arrange for all School leavers to be briefed on the Club's objectives, social events, newsletters etc. at a mutually convenient time during their last term at the School.

6. Ex Officio Members of the Council. The following shall be ex-officio members of the council.

7. Membership of the Council. In addition to the Ex-Officio Members at Paragraph 6, the Council shall consist of not more than ten other elected members which shall include


8. The Club shall elect a President but this office shall not be held for more than three consecutive years. His duties shall commence on the Monday following the Annual Meeting at which he was elected. If the Club President shall die or be obliged to relinquish his office the immediate Past-President shall take over the presidency until the next Annual Meeting. Failing this such other person as the Council may decide will take on the role.


9. The Club may elect Life Vice-Presidents who have rendered distinguished service to the Club or the School. All past Presidents will automatically be elected as Life Vice Presidents.


10. The Annual Dinner will also be considered the Annual Meeting of the Club.

11. The Honorary Secretary shall convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club at any time upon receiving a requisition to that effect signed by not less than 20 Members of the Club or at the request of the Council.

12. Notice of all General meetings shall be sent to the Members at least fourteen days before the date of such meeting by e-mail.


14. The accounts of the Club shall be approved by Council and made available for inspection by the membership at or after the Annual Dinner


15. General. The objects of the Club shall be fostered by the production of newsletters and arrangements for social functions.

16. Newsletters. Newsletters shall be sent to all Members, by e-mail only, at regular intervals. They shall include contributions from the School as well as from the Council and from a full age spectrum of Members.

17. Social functions. All social functions shall be open to members, and their guests including spouses and friends of both sexes. Events should  appeal to Members of all age groups .  


18. The rules may be altered or amended by a Council Meeting as and when necessary. Any such changes will be notified on the Web Site.


19. The Colours of the Club shall be Blue, Black, Gold and Red.


20. Any Member wishing to bring a matter to the attention of the Council may do so in writing or by e-mail to the Honorary Secretary at any time.